Application Program Interface
1. Scope
1.1 Identification
This document identifies the Application Programming Interface (“API”) available to third-party clients for integration with the Property Plus Framework (“Framework”) infrastructure.
1.2 System Overview
The API provides a secure HTTPS gateway for communicating with Framework, sending and receiving data in XML format.
Most programming languages can accommodate such HTTPS / XML communication, allowing programmers to develop their applications to communicate directly with Framework by issuing commands as specified in this document.
1.3 Document Overview
This document will explain how to:
- Authenticate access to Framework
- Retrieve data from Framework
- Send data to Framework
2. Connecting to Framework
In order to make a connection to Framework you will need the following:
- A specific URL (the “Cluster URL”) that identifies the domain and directory that hosts the customer database with which the API is to communicate
- Typically, this will be
- A Database name that is unique to this Cluster for this customer
- User credentials that are authorised to access this Database
These details will have been provided to the user or their administrator.
The API URL is constructed from the Cluster URL appended with a consistent endpoint/script, which is “”.
For example, if the Cluster URL is:,
the API URL is:
2.1.1 Validation
Communication with Framework will be accepted only via well-formed XML, which must be in the following basic format:
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″ standalone=”yes”?>
The format of authenticate and command XML elements are explained in the following sections.
Note the following:
- XML must be posted to the specified API URL
- XML is validated by
- XML must include the standard DTD ?xml line with no leading spaces or carriage returns at the start of the file
- XML element names are always lower case
- There must be no leading/trailing white space in element data
- Indentation of and line spacing between XML elements is optional
- The
element must include the API version number that is to be used - See Release History for details
- XML must include only one authenticate element
- XML must include only one command element
- Command-specific elements must be formatted as explained in the following sections
- You may include other elements for your own purposes providing that they do not conflict with the names of elements defined in this document, but they will be ignored
Validation checks are carried out in following sequence:
- Check for well-formed XML
- Check for valid authentication
- Check the operation defined in the API version specified in the version element data
- Check for correct and complete data in the submitted command
If the XML passes validation, a success response in the following format will be returned:
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″ standalone=”yes”?>
<datetime>2024-04-30 12:00:00</datetime>
If the XML fails validation, an error response in the following format will be returned:
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″ standalone=”yes”?>
<datetime>2024-04-30 12:00:00</datetime>
<errortext>Invalid XML code</errortext>
2.1.2 Authentication
In this section we specify the authenticate XML element that must be included in every communication with Framework. It has the following format:
Note the following:
- database This identifies the name of the target database with which to communicate
- username This is the name with which the user logs in to Framework and can be one of:
DATABASE.USER a specific named user of the target database
DATABASE assumes the admin user of the target database
OTHERCO.USER a specific named user of a cluster-admin database*
OTHERCO assumes the admin user of a cluster-admin database* - password This is the password associated with the submitted username
* Framework infrastructure allows for “super users” to log in to other users’ databases in the same cluster. If OTHERCO does not match DATABASE, it is assumed that OTHERCO.USER is a super user wishing to communicate with DATABASE. Authentication will fail if OTHERCO.USER is not a super user in the specified cluster.
2.2 Retrieve Data from Framework: Get Commands
This section describes the commands that are available to a third party to return data in XML format from the specified database.
Please contact us if you find that you need commands that are not included in this document.
If the XML passes authentication, the target database will return the requested data in XML format and a success response code in XML format.
Each sub-section includes an example complete XML for the individual command and a table that specifies the format of the data that is returned.
The individual get commands, <get>…</get>, may be included in a larger XML submission of multiple commands.
Each individual get command may be modified with one or many conditions, <condition>…</condition>. The final sub-section describes conditions.
To return a listing of all Properties and their details:
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″ standalone=”yes”?>
Name | Type | Example | Description |
p_id | int(10) | 1 | Internal record ID |
p_ref | varchar(255) | PROP123 | Property Reference |
p_name | varchar(255) | Main Branch | Property Name |
p_add1 | varchar(255) | High Street | Property Address Line 1 |
p_add2 | varchar(255) | Property Address Line 2 | |
p_posttown | varchar(255) | London | Property Address Post Town |
p_postcode | varchar(255) | NW1 | Property Address Postcode |
p_modified | timestamp | 2024-04-30 12:00:00 | System datetime this record was last modified |
Example response:
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″ standalone=”yes”?>
<datetime>2024-04-30 12:00:00</datetime>
2.2.6 GET Conditions
Every GET command may be modified by setting a number of conditions, which will have the effect of filtering the data that is returned by the command. This is probably best illustrated by an example. Say you want to retrieve a list of customers whose details have been modified after a certain date. The following XML will achieve this response:
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″ standalone=”yes”?>
<value>2024-04-30 12:00:00</value>
See that the condition element is applied after the command element within the get block. The condition has three components, which should be quite clear to understand:
- <field>, which is the field name as specified in the relevant section above
- <operator>, which is a logical operator as specified in the table immediately below
- <value>, which must be in the same format as the specified field
Note that the condition element can also be written in a single line:
<condition field=”c_modified” operator=”gt” value=”2024-04-30 12:00:00″ />
Operator | Description | Applied to |
gt | Is greater than | Integer, number, date, time, datetime fields |
lt | Is less than | Integer, number, date, time, datetime fields |
equal | Is equal to | Integer, number, date, time, datetime, text fields |
notequal | Is not equal to | Integer, number, date, time, datetime, text fields |
like | Includes | Text fields |
notlike | Does not include | Text fields |
Text operators are not case sensitive, i.e. <value>text</value> and <value>TEXT</value> would return the same result.
Multiple conditions are applied with the AND logical operator, i.e. a record will be returned only if all conditions are met.
2.3 Send data to Framework: Post Commands
This section describes the commands that are available to a third party to send data in XML format to the specified database.
Please contact us if you find that you need commands that are not included in this document.
If the XML passes authentication, the target database will be updated with the data being sent and a success response code in XML format will be returned.
Each sub-section includes an example complete XML for the individual command and a table that specifies the format of the data that is submitted.
The individual post commands, <post>…</post>, may be included in a larger XML submission of multiple commands.
Create a new customer with basic records:
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″ standalone=”yes”?>
Example response:
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″ standalone=”yes”?>
<datetime>2024-04-30 12:00:00</datetime>
3. Release History
Release | Date | Description | Author | Review |
1.00 | 18/01/2015 | First release | IV | RM, JS |
1.01 | 11/01/2016 | Customer, Supplier, Product, Bank Deposits added | RM | IV |
1.03 | 01/11/2018 | Customer Proof of Delivery (POD) | IV | RJ, RM |
1.03 | 27/11/2019 | Customer, Supplier enhanced with [auto], <condition> | IV | RM |